Thursday, March 17, 2011

Repent or Perish

"...Except ye REPENT, ye shall ALL likewise PERISH." Jesus Christ from Luke 13, verses 3 & 5.

Believe it, or not, I've been accused of "forcing" my religion on others. My response: I sincerely wish I could. But it doesn't work that way.

If God's plan was to apply "holy water" I'd raid the pool at the Vatican, load a water cannon, and it would look like 1960's Birmingham everywhere I went.

But God's plan is personal salvation. So, regardless of anyone's consent, I must show and tell.
"How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?" Romans 10:14 (King James Version)

I show the Gospel by the choices I make in life, my testimony.
I tell the Gospel by sharing the fact that if you do not put you faith in Christ and in his death, burial,and ressurection for the atonement of man's sin, you WILL spend eternity in a very real Hell.
I often fail at both. Thank God for grace!

But your unbelief will never change God's plan, and His plan, simply stated, is Repent or Perish.

I pray you choose the former.

btw- preacher in the above verse means a "proclaimer." Proclaiming the Gospel is the duty of all Christians.

(this is something I posted on facebook, today)