Saturday, April 12, 2014

I Stand With Cliven Bundy

Those who oppose Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy because he is breaking the law, opposing court orders, might want to consider the implications had the men in this picture simply "obeyed the law," stopped their protest, and went home, complying with every whim of their government.

The rights of free citizens are at jeopardy when the government can claim ownership to land within the sovereign boundaries of a State, leave that land to just waste away, then charge a fee for ranchers to just graze their cattle on unused land. That land belongs to the State, not the federal government.
In the 60's men saw segregation as normal because if hadn't even been 100 years since blacks were considered property. As a nation we still had some maturing to do on the issue.

With the Cliven Bundy issue it is just the opposite. 200 years ago no one in this nation would stand for our centralized government seizing State lands. Nobody ever deeded that land to DC, they just took it. But over the years as we slowly began accepting DC control into every aspect of our lives, we have lost freedoms inch by inch, yard by yard, mile by mile, farm by farm, and ranch by ranch.
Even my own initial opinion was slanted due to my strict law and order views. But when I discovered the deeper aspects of this case, I realized the I AM CLIVEN BUNDY. We are ALL Cliven Bundy. Does he have a personal struggle with DC? YES! But he also realizes that his struggle is a much bigger issue of citizen rights.

The black men in this pic are breaking the law. The law says they are not really men, not granted the same rights as the white guys in the pic. All across the country they broke laws. On buses, bridges, courthouse lawns, and university property, they broke laws and many were arrested, beaten, and jailed. But eventually thei actions led to change. So much change that in modern society, just 50 years later, one would never dare posting a whites only sign on any business. 

This is the kind of change that needs to come of the Bundy Ranch crisis. While he might lose his battle, and might even be killed by the jack booted thugs and snipers, his actions and the actions of others need to lead to a world where in some short time from now, we will no longer even fathom the idea of DC claiming ownership to state, city, or even personal property.

It starts now. Mr Bundy has opened a door that we all MUST enter. Not doing so just makes you a slave, and not a man.