Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Righteousness vs Desire

[Watch the video at the above link first]

The point that is often overlooked is that what scripture condemns, in relation to homosexuality (sodomites), is two things: effeminate men, and same gender sexual relations, both in I Cor 6 and elsewhere. If you choose to wrongly believe that people are born gay, that changes nothing.

God gave me, as a man, a healthy attraction to women. Not just a sexual transaction, but a desire for all things female (human). My wife is not foolish enough to think that I don't enjoy an attractive lady, hence my recent amusing Facebook post about Andie MacDowell getting special privileges on my airline. I've always thought she was one of the most stunning women in Hollywood. But ask Tammy who my Hollywood crush is and she'll probably say Helen Hunt, without hesitation. Nothing in Scripture forbids me from being a male with God-given attractions.

What scripture regulates is how I act on those attractions. I am forbidden from lusting after any women but my wife. Jesus, himself says that is the same as adultery. I am also forbidden from committing the actual act of adultery with any woman, regardless of how strong my attraction is towards her. There are also other prohibitions that we must add ourselves in order to protect our testimony and obey I Thessalonians 5:22.

The Bible very clearly condemns sex with the same gender, male with male and woman with woman, in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Regardless of what you think your sexual preference is, or when you became that way, God's command is still the same. Thou shall not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Lev 18:22 and expounded in the New Testament in Romans chapter one.

Christ can change the desires of your heart, but regardless of what they are, desires do not trump God's commands and prohibitions.