Saturday, March 20, 2010

Cal Ripken

Ephesians 4:1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,

I’m not much of a sport’s fan, but I do have my favorite athletes. One of my favorite baseball players is Cal Ripken, Jr. He’s retired, but his record still stands.

You see, on Sep 6th, 1995 he went down in history for a feat that will probably never happen again. He beat Lou Gehrig's record and put his name forever in the history books. It wasn’t a record for the most hits, homers, RBI’s, or even stolen bases. He forged his name in the annals of baseball as the Iron Man. He showcased no superhuman attributes. He simply showed up ready for work and started in 2,131 games consecutively.

He characterizes it as 2,131 times that the manager deemed him fit to play. He was “chosen” each game day.

This is an affirmation that hits home and actually hurts when I think about it. Am I showing up for work on God’s field? Does Christ have reason to choose me each day to do even the smallest task for him?

Life takes many turns and often God’s will seems almost hidden from our view. I pray that I still seek, and oft find that will. For only there will I be “chosen” to hit the field.

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