Monday, November 15, 2010

August 8th, 1993

I mentioned not long ago on Facebook how oft God must redirect our lives in order to keep us alive.

Let me share a few things:

1) A short time prior to this date, my Dad talked with his pastor. He informed his pastor that he had begun praying that if it took his own death for me to come to Christ, he was ready to go.

2) In early July, I had reported for duty at Ft Riley, KS after a 45 day leave at home in Alabama. My first weekend in Kansas, I set up a video camera in a hotel room to send a video greeting to my friends back in Berlin, Germany.
I just rewatched that video a few weeks ago. On that tape I make mention of an operation that the general public knew nothing of, at the time.
My orders to Ft Riley were not for the 1st MP Co. I was to be assigned to the SEP company. They were primarily Law Enforcement and did not deploy with 1st Infantry. That sounded appealing to me.
But on my arrival, they were a few weeks into preparing to deploy to Somalia. They had filled my slot with another MP prior to my arrival, so I was reassigned to 1st MP Co.

3) On August 6th, I was taken from a training mission, given $100 of Red Cross loan money, and sent home. My Dad had suffered his first heart attack. I got home on the 7th. He met his Saviour face to face on the 8th of August, 1993.

4) On the same day, in far away Somalia, the unit I was supposed to be with arrived in Somalia, and lost four men on the first day. The Humvee they were riding in hit an anti-tank landmine.
Two of those soldiers were the same rank as me. It's not guaranteed I would've been in that Humvee, but that was supposed to be MY unit.
This was the early stages of the conflict portrayed in the movie/book Blackhawk Down.

Coincidence? I don't think so. I believe God intervened and redirected my life in order to keep his promise to my Daddy. The rest of that promise was fulfilled on Feb 26th, 1997.

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