Saturday, October 27, 2012


Proverbs 27:17 KJV

Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

Ever used an aluminum block to sharpen your knife? I hope not. Aluminum is weak and will only ruin the weakest part of a blade, the sharpened edge.
Such is a weak man to his friend. You only dull his sharpened edge.
When I am weak, and sin, it not only affects me, but when I come to my senses it's almost as if God shines a spotlight on the one/ones my sin hurt. You see I know all of my sins are forgiven, past, present, and future. My standing with God will always be: Redeemed.
But God intends my life to be a beacon of righteousness, pointing others toward him. When I am weak, I am as useless as that block of aluminum to my friends. I may look strong, and may offer some support, but I cannot sharpen them at all.
Sin is a selfish, prideful thing, but its affects are not bound up in oneself, they are far reaching, and leave a wide path of destruction.
I pray that today I can be iron.

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