Friday, August 23, 2013


To me, Christmas is more than just a holiday. While I know, as do most Christians, that we don't really know when Christ was born, I choose to follow CHRISTIAN tradition and celebrate it on 12/25. Whatever pagan days were celebrated during the latter part of December are all but forgotten. The most they are even mentioned is when someone, Christian or non-believer, attempts to discredit Christmas.
In reality, I celebrate His birth and his sacrifice every single day. Or at least I try to. But there is no reason why I cannot set aside a certain day, Christmas Day, to specifically celebrate the birth of Christ, God's Son.
The Old Testament is full of God doing miracles for Israel. Nearly every time he would then tell them to mark that event and share it with future generations, often with a feast. The purpose was so that future generations always had a reminder of what God had done.
There is no greater miracle than God, coming as a man, living a perfect life, then allowing Himself to be the propitiation for my sin. I choose to mark those events; celebrate them; and teach them to my future generations. (yes, often with a feast)

This is just silly. Do I lie to my kids about fairies, elves, and egg laying bunnies? No, but the fact that most parents do will not hinder my celebration of Christ and His Christmas.
Do a lot of folks think it is just a greed-fest? Yes, and on Black Friday man folks propagate that by putting alleged sales before their fellow man. But, again, it does not hinder my celebration of Christmas. 

Most years I cannot afford to buy my kids much, but I buy what I can. They know that I bought it with money that God provided through the job he has blessed me with. Because of that, they know that prayer is better than a letter to a fictional, fat elf, and the thanks go to God, not the aforementioned elf.

All in all, I just refuse to let what others choose to do affect how I choose to celebrate the greatest gift ever given to man. In turn, I let them do whatever they choose, so long as it does not affect me.

But there is another side to Christmas:
That side is Family. Christmas time has long been a time when families have joined together, some for the first time all year. Traditions that do not take away from Christ are good traditions. We laugh, play games, eat, exchange gifts, sing, and just simply enjoy each others' company. For the life of me, I cannot see God not liking that.

So, with all that said, I wish you all a very Merry CHRISTmas!

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