Saturday, August 11, 2018

Entitled Much?

Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God:  And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;  Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.  But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.
Colossians 3:22‭-‬25 KJV

I will admit, that the scripture on using only has a cursory application to the incident that sparked my desire to write this blog entry. But here goes, anyway.
Well obviously, Paul is writing the scriptures to Christians. His use of the word servants does not mean that this only applies to a slave. It has a great application for all employers, contractors, or any other hired individuals.
I will just go ahead and give you the story. As I'm standing in a truck stop trying to decide what type of snack I want to buy, I hear a male employee talking about cleaning the showers. I missed the first part of the conversation with his co-workers, but he basically said that he was tired of putting forth the extra effort in cleaning the showers because it wasn't as if anyone was tipping him anyway.
For those not familiar with how truck stop showers work, anyone can stop at a truck stop and pay around $10 to get the use of a usually clean, private shower. If you stop at a sketchy looking truck stop, you might have a sketchy looking shower. But most major chains have very clean, modern showers. This happened to be at a Pilot in Mebane, North Carolina. Truck drivers also get a free shower for buying 50-100 gallons of fuel or more. It's been awhile since I've had to shower at a truck-stop.
I have left a tip before, but it is usually only when I see that the person cleaning the showers has left a note saying that they hope everything is up to my expectations. I know the purpose of that note is to bait me into a tip, but I have no problem dropping a dollar or two if I can tell they did a very good job cleaning the shower. But, that should never be expected. The person who cleans that shower is getting paid an hourly rate to do so. They agreed to that when they took the job. Only at larger truck stops do they usually hire people to specifically clean the showers and not really have any other duties. So at this truck stop, cleaning showers was side duty for other store personnel. Leaving tips in a shower is not even something that is common in the trucking industry. It's just another thing that we can blame on the Starbucks tip jar. There are certain service Industries that have always involved tipping, regardless of whether they were being paid a full salary or a waitress salary that expect tips. Delivery guys, household goods Movers, obviously waitresses and Waiters, and a few others are jobs that should typically expect to get a tip unless they screw something up. But ever since Starbucks started sticking out a jar to tip people who do nothing more than what they were paid to do, every other worker has tried to figure out some way to make tips.
This guy was brazen enough to register his complaint with several customers within earshot.
I obviously have no idea whether he is a Christian or not, but I am sure that all of us are guilty of expecting something extra when all we have done is what is our reasonable service. You can go look up Romans 12:1 on your own, but it is obvious that even God can see that some people think they have done something special, when all they have done are the simple things they're supposed to do.
In Colossians, Paul is specifically speaking to those who serve others in a secular sense. I have been guilty of awaiting a pat on the back for doing something that I thought was above and beyond. Occasionally, I have actually gotten that pat on the back. But on at least one occasion, the pat-on-the-back came as more of a reaction to the laziness of co-workers than the above expectation service that I rendered.
Don't work for your check, or for a tip. Give extra effort in everything you do, because you are doing it as unto the Lord. This is especially essential when you are known to be a Christian.

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