Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Why do we whine when criticized by our boss, then call in a complaint on the pizza delivery guy because he accidentally mashed the lid into our pizza?
Do we ever stop to think of the consequences it might cost him?
When I delivered for Steakout, I might have looked like a college age kid in a Jeep, but I had a wife and two kids to feed. The pizza guy might be in the same position.
Would you make that complaint if you knew he'd lose his job?
It reminds me of the parable beginning in Matthew 18:21 when Peter asks about forgiveness.
The servant is forgiven of a great debt to his lord, then went to his own debtor and demanded payment. When the debtor couldn't pay the very small debt, he cast him in prison.
When his lord heard what he did, he castigated him then sent him to be tortured.
Would we risk the pizza guy's job if it put ours in jeopardy as well?
I'm not saying we should be pansies, and let people walk on us. There are things that we cannot allow to happen.
But so often we deliver our own brand of justice with no consideration for what it brings on someone who just made a mistake.
We hold back tips, call in complaints, leave bad comment cards, go on the internet and post nasty comments, and the list goes on.
Why not simply turn the other cheek?
We often think of being slapped when we hear that, but it applies elsewhere, too.
So the waitress is a little crabby and let your cup get empty. Try this: leave her a huge tip and a note saying we all have those days and you hope this helps hers get better. Her next table might owe you a great debt.
I don't believe in karma, but God does say we reap what we sow.
What will you sow today?
Justice? or Mercy?

I am thankful that God chose mercy in my life. You see, I cost him the life of his Son.
Justice would be an eternity in hell (yes, it's real).
Mercy would be forgiveness.
But God went a step farther and showed me Grace.

Grace was sending his own begotten son to Calvary to die for MY sin, and yours.

Grace brought death to Christ and sent him to the grave.

Then Grace ressurected the Saviour of mankind, giving me, and you, promise of the same ressurection if we simply believe in what you just read.

Grace makes me a joint-heir with Christ. That means I share all with the one who died due to MY sins.
That's Grace.

God gave all he had just to show me forgiveness. I only wish I would show it more often.

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