Thursday, April 7, 2011

Are You A Man?

"Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;" Eph 5:25.

Anything less, makes you a boy, not a man!

Notice it doesn't say kind wife, pretty wife, obedient wife, loving wife, smart wife, etc. It just says love your wife.

If you follow that simple command, she becomes all the above, and so much more.

When you "give yourself" for her, you become not just a real man, but the man of her dreams.

But when you put yourself first, you're nothing more than an immature little boy.

When did King David mess up?
"At a time when kings went out to battle."
He was supposed to be out in the battle, laying himself on the line for his kingdom. He chose instead to rest on prior accomplishments, and enjoy what was "due" him as king.

A man is king of his castle. His family is his kingdom. He is "due" the respect and honor of his wife and kids.

But if he fails to put them first in everything, he fails as a man, and failure becomes his constant companion.

Bathsheeba is only attractive to a boy.

The man nevers gives her a second look because his focus is on the battle, and the preservation of his kingdom.


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