Monday, July 4, 2011

A Wise Son

Proverbs 15:20a  A wise son maketh a glad father:

Jakie's future plans have always been to be in law enforcement. I assume it is because I was a military policeman for a while. I did not want him spending three years idle waiting to turn 21, so I suggested he join the Army Reserve and start college.

We were already discussing him joining ROTC and earning his commission. We were thinking he might have to attend Vanderbilt and commute each day.

While on vacation we visited the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame/Museum. Jakie was very interested in their history, as was I. I had told him that with a four year degree, he could apply for federal law enforcement jobs, so jobs on the level of the Rangers were interesting to him. I was looking forward to having a son in law enforcement. It would be my vicarious return to the field.

But all of that has changed. I talked to him on Friday night after the kids returned from youth camp. I will not go into most of his story. I want him to be able to share it himself after he returns from working at the Bill Rice Ranch.

But what I will share is that he said he has spent the last six months debating with himself on God's call on his life. Some things happened at camp, and upon returning from camp that sealed the deal. Jakie has surrendered to preach.

3 John 1:4  I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

I was perfectly fine with him being a cop and an officer in the Army. I never pushed him to anything. I only wanted him to continue to be faithful to God in whatever he chose as a profession.

Pray for him as he begins to prepare for the ministry. He still has a few years left in school, then he'll begin Bible College.

I am overjoyed at his decision. I am definitely a "glad father."

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