Friday, July 31, 2015


I just had a Wow! moment.
While at Bob Evans, a disabled man walked by me on his way back to his seat. I saw him stop my waitress, who clearly knew him well, and speak to her. He's about 4'6", walks with a special cane, and cannot lift his head off his chest. I really don't know if it is acceptable to pity someone in his and similar conditions, but that's what I feel in my gut when I see them.
Then this happens!
The waitress comes to me and says, "Larry wants to buy your meal."
How do you respond to that!?
I barely stuttered out, "That's not necessary, but tell him thanks." (he had already sat down facing away from me)
She gave me my ticket and left.
I sat there wondering if I should personally thank him for the offer, or if that would offend him since I rejected it.
I then overhead him ask the same of his own waitress and heard him say, "The one with the beard."
She looked back at me as I tried to act ignorant of what was going on. She never approached, so when I finished I walked on by him and went to pay.
I'm sure you know what comes next. The cashier and her manager said it had already been paid. A giant lump grew instantly in my throat.
I walked over, took a knee beside his table, thanked him, and said, "God Bless you, Larry."
While Tammy would love for me to say my epic beard won me a free meal, that wasn't it. You see when he had passed my table I had just raised my head from praying and saw that he had stopped, barely in my peripheral, while I thanked God for my breakfast. He wanted to bless me because I asked blessings over my meal. That didn't hit me until I was walking back to the hotel. I hope no one saw my eyes swelling up.
Hebrews 13:1-2 Let brotherly love continue.  Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Larry might feel I was his angel today, but in reality he was mine. One who was way more deserving of being blessed chose to bless me. That is not unlike Christ.
Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
I don't deserve anything but hell, but Larry chose to bless me with a meal, and even better Christ chose to bless me with eternal life. Not just me, but for all who believe.
Do me a favor, say a prayer for Larry in Bowling Green, Ohio today.

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