Thursday, July 2, 2015

Judge not?

What did Jesus say that he came for? "To seek and to save that which was lost" Luke 19:10
2 Peter 3:9 declares, "... not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
The best commentary on the Bible is the Bible, so in light of the above verses, what is Jesus's main focus in the first five verses of Matthew chapter 7?
It's definitely not that if I'm guilty of a certain sin, I'm forbidden from telling others it's wrong. The standard is always God's standard, not mine or that of anyone else proclaiming God's Truth.
The focus of those five verses is for me to make sure I examine myself, to be certain that I'm not as guilty as the other guy. If I am, the two verses, and countless others, declare that God would rather have me get right, than avoid the subject.
That principle is illustrated in verse 5 where God says to remove the beam from my eye so that I can see better to help my brother remove his mote.
God's Word is never about condemnation. We are already condemned. His desire for us is reconciliation with Him. He's always talking about us getting right.

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