Thursday, July 9, 2015

Sick of the P.C. garbage

Patterson Hood is a politically correct moron. He never liked southern rock until he discovered he could make money off it. He does not speak for the sector of Alabama we both once called home.
He is not a scholar. He is ignorant of history.
As several others are doing, he's choosing to be a pathetic sympathizer to the ignorant masses rather than educate them to the truth.
It's really a shame that a Detroit born southern rocker, Kid Rock, understands more about the flag than an actual southern born man with a legendary father.
I was never taught that slaves were not mistreated. Having all of my schooling in an Alabama classroom, I was actually taught the exact opposite. I was taught how Wallace opposed integration, then flip-flopped when the political winds changed. All of this while a rebel flag flew on the state Capitol, not just on a war monument.
I was also taught that our state battle cry was "Dare We Defend Our Rights!" That same phrase echoes in nearly every thing I do. I exercise my rights, at times, simply because a right not exercised is a right lost.
You cannot forcibly dictate that any of my actions, speech, or expressions are for any motive other than what I insist. I have never hated any person because of their race. I am equally kind, and at times equally angered at people of all races.
I'm sick and tired of people who are too lazy to educate people about their own heritage. It may be easier to just furl the flag you don't like and move on, but you do so at the expense of history.
Did people that hate blacks fight under the battle flag? Yes, but they also fought under the Stars and Stripes on the opposite side of the field. It was American flags that flew from horses, wagons, and barges as American Indians were herded across the wilderness leaving so many dead in their wake. Yet we would not accept an Indian walking on our flag.
Well, I don't accept you walking on the flag of my southern ancestors.
I hope Mr Hood will remember, a REAL southern man don't need him around, anyhow!

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